A simple definition of an online will is a last will and testament that you create online by completing a form or downloading a template, or by answering questions and having a will automatically be prepared for you.
A will is a legal document that specifies who will care for your young children, get your property, and other items, as well as who, will carry out those instructions. It streamlines the estate planning process and offers peace of mind since a will precludes the court from selecting who receives your possessions.
How are online wills executed?
Two types of online wills are available online. Online forms for best online wills and testaments may be downloaded for free and filled up with your personal data. These templates may not be adaptable to your requirements since they are “one size fits all.”
Making a will online using a computer or app that walks you through the procedure is another option. Typically, this entails interviewing you about yourself and your possessions before creating a will on your behalf. Some online will providers offer staff members who can assist you throughout the procedure.

How much do online will cost?
A lawyer often drafts a will, which may be costly but can also make the process simpler. Depending on how complicated your case is, estate planning lawyers that specialize in online wills and trusts charge anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars to draft a will.
Because of this, many individuals use online wills, which may be obtained for nothing or up to $300. Online wills are typically purchased for a set fee, although certain subscription-based will services are available that provide legal assistance and charge you on a monthly or yearly basis.
Creating a will online
- Provide your contact details. That includes your home address as well as the names and addresses of your family members.
- List your assets and specify who should get them (your beneficiaries). You may specify precise gifts (bequests) of whatever you possess in your online will and choose someone to receive the remaining assets (the residuary).
- Select a person to serve as executor. The executor is the person in charge of carrying out the directions in your will and finalizing your estate after your passing.
- Appoint someone to be your children’s guardian. Verify that someone you can continue to trust can take care of your dependents.
- Execute the will after having it witnessed and notarized. In the absence of your signature, the will is invalid. Two witnesses’ signatures who are not beneficiaries are also required. Notarize the will together with a self-proving affidavit to ensure that they won’t ever need to appear in court.
- Keep the will in a secure location. It may not be a good idea to lock your will in a safe deposit box that only you can access. Instead of filing it with the probate court, think about leaving it with your executor.
When not to create a will online
Although it is a simple option to leave an inheritance for your loved ones, an online will may not be sufficient in certain situations. If your estate is worth millions and you are worried about the estate tax, creating a will online may not be the wisest course of action.
- You should safeguard your assets since you might face legal action.
- You have a dependent beneficiary who needs to be eligible for government assistance.
- You run a small company or are a partner in one and need to make plans for what will happen to it.

Do I need trust or will?
One element of an estate strategy is an online will. Getting a trust, which offers another means to leave assets to your selected beneficiaries, may also be advantageous to certain individuals. Because a trust is a distinct legal body, you may leave an inheritance that transfers to someone after your death directly and outside of probate court.
One element of an estate strategy is an online will, but for individuals seeking more control over their assets, the SMSF setup process offers an appealing alternative. Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) allow individuals to establish their own super fund and take charge of their retirement savings. With an SMSF, you can choose your investment options, including property, shares, and cash, providing greater flexibility and potential for growth. Additionally, an SMSF can act as a trust, enabling you to leave assets to your chosen beneficiaries directly, bypassing probate court, and ensuring a smooth transfer of wealth after your passing.
I already have an online will, what more do I need?
You could also wish to make additional estate planning papers, such as a healthcare proxy or power of attorney, in addition to drafting a will. Consider purchasing life insurance, which provides your selected beneficiary with a death benefit, as a kind of financial security.
Are Online Wills Hackable?
More than 100 physical legal offices have experienced some kind of hacking over the course of the last several years. Online legal service providers have not yet been the focus of any documented security breaches, although any website that stores user data might be compromised.
Hackers do it for a variety of reasons, from the mere challenge of breaking into a major corporation to airing an industry’s dirty linen. But one of the biggest causes is that individuals often use the same username and password for many internet accounts. Any breach is a possible source of income for hackers since they may likely access your bank using the login credentials, they use to access one of your accounts.

The possibility of additional information being exposed exists even if a will won’t include vital personal data like social security numbers, birth dates, or even bank account details.
However, any information included in your online wills will ultimately be made public since it becomes a matter of public record after you pass away.
However, the online legal services sector will need to make ongoing and developing investments in cyber security to stay ahead of the greedy hacker community. You can also read about Using DIY will software to write your online wills by clicking here.
Online wills: Your Final Word
However, online wills are not the only option for estate planning. You should also draft other legal papers, such as a power of attorney, healthcare proxy, a living will, and a HIPAA release, if necessary, to safeguard yourself and your heirs. You may identify which of these papers you need by completing the first questionnaire, and a variety of online will preparation businesses will assist you in drafting them.
Additionally, it’s a smart idea to send your surviving loved ones a letter of intent. Despite not being a formal document, a letter of intent outlines your funeral and other last preferences. In this text, “she would have desired this” and “she wanted this” have different meanings.
Finally, keep in mind that creating a will is about more than simply allocating your assets and avoiding arguments among family members over your collection of baseball cards. A will may also specify who will take care of young children in the event that both you and any other named guardian pass away.
Fiske advises picking distinct guardians and trustees for the kids, ideally one from each side of the family. “If both parents are deceased, I advise keeping both families engaged… Sometimes, the abilities needed to manage money are not the same as those needed to raise a kid. Finding it in one individual is difficult. The division of labor, in my opinion, is good. Visit https://www.pt.qld.gov.au/wills/making-a-will-step-by-step/ to read about How can I make a Will in Queensland?
Most importantly, a will offers peace of mind, unlike any other legal instrument.